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Cornell University

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Genomics Facility

Service prices

10X Genomics single-cell libraries

More info about 10X Genomics single-cell libraries
Standard Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq (Chromium X run and one library per sample, GEM-X reagents included)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library – 1 sample, 1 library $3,170 $5,205
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 2 samples, 1 library each $4,940 $8,110
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 3 samples, 1 library each $6,710 $11,015
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 4 samples, 1 library each $8,480 $13,920
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 5 samples, 1 library each $10,250 $16,825
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 6 samples, 1 library each $12,020 $19,730
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 7 samples, 1 library each $13,790 $22,635
Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq library - 8 samples, 1 library each $15,560 $25,540
Other Chromium X Assays (Chromium X run and one library preparation per sample, reagents not included)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 1 sample, 1 library $1,355 $2,225
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 2 samples, 1 library each $1,445 $2,375
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 3 samples, 1 library each $1,535 $2,525
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 4 samples, 1 library each $1,625 $2,675
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 5 samples, 1 library each $1,715 $2,825
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 6 samples, 1 library each $1,805 $2,975
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 7 samples, 1 library each $1,895 $3,125
Chromium X Assay (Kit Not Included) – 8 samples, 1 library each $1,985 $3,275
Feature Barcoding for Standard Single Cell 3'RNA-Seq (additional library preparation, reagents included)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 1 sample, 1 library $655 $1,075
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 2 samples, 1 library each $860 $1,410
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 3 samples, 1 library each $1,065 $1,745
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 4 samples, 1 library each $1,270 $2,080
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 5 samples, 1 library each $1,475 $2,415
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 6 samples, 1 library each $1,680 $2,750
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 7 samples, 1 library each $1,885 $3,085
Feature Barcoding for 3’RNAseq – 8 samples, 1 library each $2,090 $3,420
Additional 10x Library Preparation (additional Chromium libraries or Visium libraries, reagents not included)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 1 sample, 1 library $525 $865
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 2 samples, 1 library each $600 $990
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 3 samples, 1 library each $675 $1,115
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 4 samples, 1 library each $750 $1,240
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 5 samples, 1 library each $825 $1,365
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 6 samples, 1 library each $900 $1,490
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 7 samples, 1 library each $975 $1,615
10x Library Preparation (kit not included) – 8 samples, 1 library each $1,050 $1,740
Other 10X services
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
10x-consultation and analysis $125 $205

Digital PCR

More info about Digital PCR
Digital PCR
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
QX200 Digital PCR (Full Service)* $30 $50
*This service is bundled with all Illumina Sequencing as part of standard QC package. Inquire for "standalone" full-service services.

DNA sequencing (Sanger)

More info about DNA sequencing (Sanger)
DNA sequencing (Sanger)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Full Service Sequencing, plasmid or PCR product, per sample, template premixed with sequencing primer $4.30 $7.10
Full Service Sequencing, plasmid or PCR product, per 96-well plate, templates premixed with sequencing primer, 94 samples $315.00 $515.00
Special Conditions--dGTP addition, BAC sequencing, added to the single sample sequencing cost, per reaction $6.00 $10.00
Universal Primer Addition for Full Service Sequencing $1.50 $2.50
Tube Transfer for Full Service Sequencing $1.00 $1.60
Ready-to-Load Sequencing, per 96-well plate $50.00 $80.00
Column Cleanup for Ready-to-Load Sequencing, per 96-well plate $80.00 $130.00

DNA size selection

More info about DNA size selection
DNA size selection
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Pippin size selection (first sample) $30.00 $50.00
Pippin size selection (samples 2-12) $25.00 $40.00

DNA/RNA Extraction

More info about DNA/RNA Extraction
DNA/RNA Extraction
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
DNA extraction: plant leaf tissue only (96 well plate)** $650 $1065
RNA extraction: limited tissues & species* (96 well plate)** $650 $1065
DNA cleanup (96 well plate) $275 $450
DNA cleanup (per sample) $25 $40
Nucleic acid quantification (96-well plate) $135 $220
Nucleic acid quantification (per sample) $5 $8
DNA/RNA sample dilution (96-well plate) $55 $90
Custom lab work (per hour) $55 $90
* Pilot study recommended for species or tissues we have not worked with previously.
** Plate must include at least one blank negative control (empty well).

DNA/RNA Quantification

More info about DNA/RNA Quantification
DNA/RNA Quantification
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Digital PCR, Illumina library quantification, reactions set up by the Genomics Facility - per sample $30.00 $50.00
Nucleic acid quantification (Qubit-single sample) $5.00 $8.00
Nucleic acid quantification (96-well plate) $135.00 $220.00
DNA dilution (96-well plate) $55.00 $90.00


More info about DNA/RNA Size QC
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Fragment Analyzer (RNA or DNA analysis) - per sample $15.00 $25.00
FEMTO Pulse (RNA or DNA analysis) - per sample $22.00 $36.00

Fragment Analysis - Microsatellites

More info about Fragment Analysis - Microsatellites
Fragment Analysis - Microsatellites
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Fragment analysis, ready-to-load, per 96-well plate $45.00 $75.00
LIZ500 or ROX500 plus HiDi Formamide addition, per 96-well plate $45.00 $75.00
Plate Transfer for Fragment Analysis $12.00 $20.00

Illumina libraries: large projects

More info about Illumina libraries: large projects
Illumina libraries: large projects
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
TruSeq DNA library prep (Half plate, max 47 samples)* $2,905 $4,765
TruSeq DNA library prep (Full plate, max 95 samples)* $3,960 $6,495
Nextera DNA: skim sequencing (Quarter plate, max 23 samples)* $775 $1,275
Nextera DNA: skim sequencing (Half plate, max 47 samples)* $945 $1,550
Nextera DNA: Skim sequencing (Full plate, max 95 samples)* $1,295 $2,125
Nextera DNA: Low volume (Half plate, max 47 samples)* $1,855 $3,045
Nextera DNA: Low volume (Full plate, max 95 samples)* $2,500 $4,100
Nextera DNA: Full volume (Half plate, max 47 samples)* $3,510 $5,760
Nextera DNA: Full volume (Full plate, max 95 samples)* $5,815 $9,540
3'RNAseq library prep (Quarter plate, max 23 samples)* $1,755 $2,880
3'RNAseq library prep (Half plate, max 47 samples)* $2,280 $3,740
3'RNAseq library preps (Full plate, max 95 samples)* $3,215 $5,275
* These numbers include one blank well (negative control)

Illumina library: small projects

More info about Illumina library: small projects
Illumina library: small projects
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
TruSeq DNA library prep (per sample) $115 $190
Nextera DNA library prep (per sample) $115 $190
For RNA Seq Preps, please see

Illumina sequencing

More info about Illumina sequencing
Illumina sequencing (stocked flowcells)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
MiSeq Nano kit, 300 bp (1 M/fc, 0.3 Gbp/run) $445 $730
MiSeq Nano kit, 500 bp (1 M/fc, 0.5 Gbp/run) $525 $860
MiSeq Micro kit, 300 bp (4 M/fc, 1.2 Gbp/run) $650 $1065
MiSeq V2 kit, 500 bp (12-15 M/fc, 7.2-9 Gbp/run) $1,825 $2,995
NextSeq 500/550 High-output kit, 75 bp (333-400 M/fc, 25-30 Gbp/run) $2,355 $3,865
NextSeq 500/550 Mid-output kit, 150 bp (100-130 M/fc, 19-30 Gbp/run) $1,675 $2,750
NextSeq 2000 P2, 100bp (400 M/fc, 40 Gbp/run) $2,010 $3,300
NovaSeq6000 S4 flowcell (1 lane), 2x150bp (2000 M/lane, 600 Gbp/lane) $5,015 $8,225
NovaSeqX 10B flowcell (1 lane), 2x150bp (1100 M/lane, 330 Gbp/lane) $1,735 $2,845
NovaSeqX 25B flowcell (1 lane), 2x150bp (3000 M/lane, 900 Gbp/lane) $2,995 $4,910
NovaSeqX shared lane, first 50M reads $200 $330
NovaSeqX shared lane, additional 50M reads $100 $165
M/fc -> Reads passing filter (millions of reads per flowcell - single-end - double for paired-end)
Gbp/run -> Pass filter output (Gbp/run)
Illumina sequencing (custom order flowcell, longer turnaround)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
MiSeq V2 kit, 50 bp (12-15 M/fc, 0.6-0.75 Gbp/run) $1,285 $2,110
MiSeq V2 kit, 300 bp (12-15 M/fc, 3.6-4.5 Gbp/run) $1,625 $2,665
MiSeq V3 kit, 150 bp (22-25 M/fc, 3.3-3.75 Gbp/run) $1,410 $2,315
MiSeq V3 kit, 600 bp (22-25 M/fc, 13-15 Gbp/run) $2,320 $3,805
NextSeq 500/550 High-output kit, 150 bp (333-400 M/fc, 50-60 Gbp/run) $4,255 $6,980
NextSeq 500/550 High-output kit, 300bp (333-400 M/fc, 100-120 Gbp/run) $6,635 $10,885
NextSeq 500/550 Mid-output kit, 300 bp (100-130 M/fc, 38-60 Gbp/run) $2,660 $4,365
NextSeq 2000 P1, 100bp (100 M/fc, 10 Gbp/run) $1,975 $3,240
NextSeq 2000 P1, 300bp (100 M/fc, 30 Gbp/run) $2,245 $3,685
NextSeq 2000 P1, 600bp (100 M/fc, 60 Gbp/run) $2,550 $4,185
NextSeq 2000 P2, 200bp (400 M/fc, 80 Gbp/run) $3,040 $4,985
NextSeq 2000 P2, 300bp (400 M/fc, 120 Gbp/run) $3,445 $5,650
NextSeq 2000 P2, 600bp (400 M/fc, 240 Gbp/run) $4,520 $7415
NextSeq 2000 P3, 50bp (1100 M/fc, 55 Gbp/run) **XLEAP not available $3,175 $5,210
NextSeq 2000 P3, 100bp (e.g. 2 x 50) (1100 M/fc, 110 Gbp/run) $3,420 $5,610
NextSeq 2000 P3, 200bp (e.g. 2 x 100) (1100 M/fc, 220 Gbp/run) $4,465 $7,325
NextSeq 2000 P3, 300bp (e.g. 2 x 150) (1100 M/fc, 330 Gbp/run) $5,155 $8,455
NextSeq 2000 P4, 50bp (1700 M/fc, 85 Gbp/run) $3,285 $5,390
NextSeq 2000 P4, 100bp (e.g. 2 x 50) (1700 M/fc, 170 Gbp/run) $4,040 $6,625
NextSeq 2000 P4, 200bp (e.g. 2 x 100) (1700 M/fc, 340 Gbp/run) $5,365 $8,800
NextSeq 2000 P4, 300bp (e.g. 2 x 150) (1700 M/fc, 510 Gbp/run) $6,110 $10,020
NovaSeqX and NovaSeq 6000 services using flowcells/run types not listed above Inquire Inquire
For Nextseq 2000 flowcells, pricing is shown for new XLEAP chemistry; flowcells using the standard SBS chemistry can be ordered, however the price is often higher (please inquire). Info Info
M/fc -> Reads passing filter (millions of reads per flowcell - single-end - double for paired-end)
Gbp/run -> Pass filter output (Gbp/run)
Other Illumina-Related Services
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Custom lab work (per hour) $55 $90
Consultation and custom data analysis (per hour) $125 $205

Indexing reactions for Amplicon sequencing

More info about Indexing reactions for Amplicon sequencing
Indexing reactions for Amplicon sequencing
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Amplicon Indexing - full plate (max 94 samples) $275 $450
Custom projects: highly multiplexed amplicons (e.g. AmpSeq, rhAmpSeq, or rAmpSeq) inquire inquire
Related Services
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Nucleic acid quantification (96 well plate) $135 $220
DNA dilution (96 well plate) $55 $90
DNA/library cleanup (per plate) $275 $450
Custom pool (per plate, custom vol per well) $90 $150

Library pooling

More info about Library pooling
Library pooling
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Simple pool (per 96 well plate, constant vol per well) $55 $90
Custom pool (per 96 well plate, custom vol per well) $90 $150
Custom lab work (per hour) $55 $90
Related Services
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Digital PCR: Illumina library quantification - per sample $30 $50
Fragment Analyzer (RNA or DNA analysis) - per sample $15 $25
Pippin size selection (first sample) $30 $50
Pippin size selection (samples 2-12) $25 $40
DNA cleanup (96 well plate) $275 $450
DNA cleanup (per sample) $25 $40
Nucleic acid quantification (96-well plate) $135 $220
Nucleic acid quantification (per sample) $5 $8

Oxford Nanopore sequencing

More info about Oxford Nanopore sequencing
Oxford Nanopore sequencing
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Short fragment elimination for HMW gDNA (per sample) $125 $205
Ligation library preparation and PromethION R10 flowcell (1 sample) $2,455 $4,035
Barcoded ligation library preparation and PromethION R10 flowcell (6 samples*) $3,695 $6,065
Ligation library preparation and MinION R10 flowcell (1 sample) $1,860 $3,055
Barcoded ligation library preparation and MinION R10 flowcell (6 samples*) $3,100 $5,085
Alternate** library preparation and PromethION R10 flowcell (1 sample) $2,295 $3,770
Alternate** barcoded library preparation and PromethION R10 flowcell (6 samples*) $2,735 $4,475
Alternate** library preparation and MinION R10 flowcell (1 sample) $1,700 $2,790
Alternate** barcoded library preparation and MinION R10 flowcell (6 samples*) $2,140 $3,495
* Other multiplex sample numbers available on request / ** Kits required for alternative library prep methods and flowcells are not included in the price and must be provided
Related services
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
DNA/RNA size QC (FA5200) $15 $25
HMW DNA size QC (Femto) $22 $36

Instrument prices

Digital PCR QX200 (Bio-Rad)

More info about Digital PCR QX200 (Bio-Rad)
Digital PCR QX200 (Bio-Rad)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
QX200 Digital PCR - User operated* $30 per column read (8 samples) $49 per column read (8 samples)
*Users provide all reagents and supplies. Please contact us for training and self-service operation.

qPCR QuantStudio 7 Pro (ThermoFisher Scientific)

More info about qPCR QuantStudio 7 Pro (ThermoFisher Scientific)
qPCR QuantStudio 7 Pro (ThermoFisher Scientific)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
QuantStudio Real-time PCR, per plate (96- or 384-well plate)* $14 per hour $23 per hour
*Users provide all reagents and supplies

Qubit 3.0 (ThermoFisher Scientific)

More info about Qubit 3.0 (ThermoFisher Scientific)
Qubit 3.0 (ThermoFisher Scientific)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Qubit (ThermoFisher Scientific) Free rental. See instructions above. contact us

QuickDrop spectrophotometer (Molecular Devices)

More info about QuickDrop spectrophotometer (Molecular Devices)
QuickDrop spectrophotometer (Molecular Devices)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
QuickDrop Free rental. See instructions above. contact us

Sonicator (Covaris E220)

More info about Sonicator (Covaris E220)
Sonicator (Covaris E220)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Covaris M220 sonicator* Free to use, after watching the video and completing the quiz. contact us
*Users provide all reagents and supplies