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Cornell University

DNA/RNA Extraction

DNA and RNA extraction in plate format

Designed for large projects, this service is only available if you intend to follow up with our high-throughput library preparation services. We charged a fixed price for up to 95 samples in 96-well plate format, including at least 1 blank well.

  • DNA extraction: average DNA yield of 2-7 µg per sample. 
  • RNA extraction: average total RNA yield of 2-10 µg per sample.

Our protocols are optimized for DNA/RNA extraction from plant tissue. DNA extraction is limited to plant leaf tissue only. Occasionally, we perform RNA extraction from non-plant tissues; please contact us to inquire. Quantification of DNA/RNA concentration is invoiced separately.

RNA extraction for full-service RNAseq

Please see our page for TREx services; support for RNA extraction is limited to labs that do not have the appropriate facilities for RNA extraction.

Sample clean-up

Samples that show evidence of impurities may require clean-up prior to initiating Illumina library prep. If you submit DNA or RNA that does not meet sample purity requirements, we will recommend sample clean-up using commercial columns or magnetic beads. Quantification of DNA/RNA concentration is invoiced separately.

Sample concentration or dilution

Samples that do not meet our requirements for input concentration may require initial concentration or dilution. This service may be added for our high-throughput library preparation services to normalize input for a large batch of samples as needed. 

Service pricing

DNA/RNA Extraction
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
DNA extraction: plant leaf tissue only (96 well plate)** $650 $1065
RNA extraction: limited tissues & species* (96 well plate)** $650 $1065
DNA cleanup (96 well plate) $275 $450
DNA cleanup (per sample) $25 $40
Nucleic acid quantification (96-well plate) $135 $220
Nucleic acid quantification (per sample) $5 $8
DNA/RNA sample dilution (96-well plate) $55 $90
Custom lab work (per hour) $55 $90
* Pilot study recommended for species or tissues we have not worked with previously.
** Plate must include at least one blank negative control (empty well).