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Cornell University

Data retention policy - Genomics


Due to freezer space considerations, we discard all samples after three months, whether the samples have been sequenced or not. We recommend that you take all samples back to your laboratory for storage once the facility has finished processing them

Downloading your sequencing data

Once your analyses are finished, you will receive an email with a link to download your data. The email will come from:

  • genomics at cornell dot edu for Sanger sequencing or Fragment analysis data.
  • biohpc at cornell dot edu for Illumina sequencing data.

For all other data, you will receive an email directly from a member of the Genomics Facility or the Bioinformatics Facility staff.

All data is available for download for 30 days after we send you the link. After 30 days, an additional charge may be applied for recovering the data from archive.

Your data are your responsibility. Download your data immediately after your receive the results.

Data retrieval

Past 30 days, your data will be stored in a deep archive. Retrieving archived data incurs charges

DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Illumina data retrieval from archive (per lane)$125.00$205.00
Sanger data retrieval from archive (per read)$5.00$8.00
Hard drive shipping (Drive)$250.00$410.00