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Cornell University

All prices by resource name

Imaging Facility

Service prices

Access to workstation with Imaging software

More info about Access to workstation with Imaging software
Access to workstation with Imaging software
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Imaging analysis software $15/h $24.60/h

X-ray micro-CT

More info about X-ray micro-CT
X-ray micro-CT
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Micro-CT Bruker Skyscan 1276 (Academic user) $110/hour $180/hour
Micro-CT Bruker Skyscan 1276 (Commercial user) N/A $275/hour

X-ray nano-CT

More info about X-ray nano-CT
X-ray nano-CT
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External price
Nano-CT Xradia/Zeiss XRM-520 Versa (Academic user) $110/specimen + $110 per hour $180/specimen + $180/hour
Nano-CT Xradia/Zeiss XRM-520 Versa (Commercial user) N/A $275/specimen + $275/hour

Instrument prices

Spinning Disk Confocal (Andor/Olympus)

More info about Spinning Disk Confocal (Andor/Olympus)
Spinning Disk Confocal (Andor/Olympus)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Andor/Olympus Spinning Disk Confocal $25/h $12/h
Andor/Olympus Spinning Disk Confocal - Training $80/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
Training on any instrument takes 1-2 hours, depending on prior experience.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

Elyra Super Resolution Microscope (Zeiss)

More info about Elyra Super Resolution Microscope (Zeiss)
Elyra Super Resolution Microscope (Zeiss)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Zeiss Elyra Super Resolution Microscope $35/h $18/h
Zeiss Elyra Super Resolution Microscope - Training $90/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
Training on any instrument takes 1-2 hours, depending on prior experience.

Fluorescence microscope upright (Olympus)

More info about Fluorescence microscope upright (Olympus)
Fluorescence microscope upright (Olympus)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Fluorescence Microscope Upright (Olympus) $20/h $20/h
Fluorescence Microscope Upright (Olympus) - Training $75/h NA
Minimum charge: 1 hour
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
Training on any instrument takes 1-2 hours, depending on prior experience.

FVMPE-RS Twin Laser Multiphoton Microscope (Olympus)

More info about FVMPE-RS Twin Laser Multiphoton Microscope (Olympus)
FVMPE-RS Twin Laser Multiphoton Microscope (Olympus)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Olympus MPM* $65/h $33/h
Olympus MPM - Training $120/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users. *If canceling with less than 24 hours notice, unused hours will be charged at 50% of standard rate. No show hours charged at the full rate.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

Hypoxia incubator

More info about Hypoxia incubator
Hypoxia incubator
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Hypoxia incubators $1/h $1/h

IVIS Spectrum

More info about IVIS Spectrum
IVIS Spectrum
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
IVIS Spectrum $35/h $35/h
IVIS Spectrum - Training $90/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.

Keyence BZ-X810 Microscope

More info about Keyence BZ-X810 Microscope
Keyence BZ-X810 Microscope
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Keyence box microscope $20/hr $10/hr
Keyence box microscope - Training $75/hr NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
*If canceling with less than 24 hours notice, unused hours will be charged at 50% of standard rate. No show hours charged at the full rate.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

Light Sheet Microscope (LaVision BioTec)

More info about Light Sheet Microscope (LaVision BioTec)
Light Sheet Microscope (LaVision BioTec)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
LaVision BioTec Light Sheet Microscope $30/h $30/h
LaVision BioTec Light Sheet Microscope - Training $100/h NA
Training on any instrument takes 1-2 hours, depending on prior experience.
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

LSM710 Confocal (Zeiss)

More info about LSM710 Confocal (Zeiss)
LSM710 Confocal (Zeiss)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Zeiss 710 Confocal* $40/h $20/h
Zeiss 710 Confocal - Training $95/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
*If canceling with less than 24 hours notice, unused hours will be charged at 50% of standard rate. No show hours charged at the full rate.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

LSM880 Confocal multiphoton inverted - i880 (Zeiss)

More info about LSM880 Confocal multiphoton inverted - i880 (Zeiss)
LSM880 Confocal multiphoton inverted - i880 (Zeiss)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Confocal multiphoton inverted (i880)* $45/h $23/h
Confocal multiphoton inverted (i880) - Training $100/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
*If canceling with less than 24 hours notice, unused hours will be charged at 50% of standard rate. No show hours charged at the full rate.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

LSM880 Confocal multiphoton upright - u880 (Zeiss)

More info about LSM880 Confocal multiphoton upright - u880 (Zeiss)
LSM880 Confocal multiphoton upright - u880 (Zeiss)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Confocal multiphoton upright (u880)* $45/h $23/h
Confocal multiphoton upright (u880) - Training $100/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.
*If canceling with less than 24 hours notice, unused hours will be charged at 50% of standard rate. No show hours charged at the full rate.
Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

Nikon Inverted Microscope

More info about Nikon Inverted Microscope
Nikon Inverted Microscope
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Nikon Inverted $20/h $20/h
Nikon Inverted training $75/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users. Discounts may apply for greater than 4 continuous hours

VisualSonics Vevo-2100 Ultrasound

More info about VisualSonics Vevo-2100 Ultrasound
VisualSonics Vevo-2100 Ultrasound
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
VisualSonics Vevo-2100 Ultrasound $30/h $30/h
VisualSonics Vevo-2100 Ultrasound - Training $85/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.

Vizgen Merscope

More info about Vizgen Merscope
Vizgen Merscope
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External Price
Vizgen Merscope TBD TBD