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Cornell University

All prices by resource name

Biomolecular Analysis

Instrument prices

Cary 300 UV-Vis spectrophotometer

More info about Cary 300 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
Cary 300 UV-Vis spectrophotometer
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Cary 300-UV-Vis Spectrophotometer $20/h $20/h
Cary 300-UV-Vis Spectrophotometer - Training $75/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.

Octet RH16 Biolayer Interferometer

More info about Octet RH16 Biolayer Interferometer
Octet RH16 Biolayer Interferometer
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External Price
Octet RH16 Biolayer Interferometer Use $35/hr $56/hr
Octet RH16 Biolayer Interferometer - Training $90/hr NA

PTI QuantaMaster 400 fluorometer (Horiba)

More info about PTI QuantaMaster 400 fluorometer (Horiba)
PTI QuantaMaster 400 fluorometer (Horiba)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
PTI QuantaMaster 400 Fluorometer $20/h $20/h
PTI QuantaMaster 400 Fluorometer - Training $75/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.

Seahorse XFe96 (Agilent)

More info about Seahorse XFe96 (Agilent)
Seahorse XFe96 (Agilent)
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Seahorse XFe96 $30/h $30/h
Seahorse XFe96 - Training $85/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.

Seahorse XFp (Agilent)

More info about Seahorse XFp (Agilent)
Seahorse XFp
(9am-9pm Mon-Fri)
(9pm-9am, Sat-Sun & holidays)
Seahorse XFp $30/h $30/h
Seahorse XFp - Training $85/h NA
A 64% surcharge applies to non-Cornell users.

SpectraMax ID5 Plate Reader (Molecular Devices)

More info about SpectraMax ID5 Plate Reader (Molecular Devices)
SpectraMax ID5 Plate Reader (Molecular Devices)
DescriptionInternal price (Cornell and Cornell affiliates)External Price
SpectraMax ID5 Plate Reader Use $30/hr $48/hr
SpectraMac ID5 Plate Reader Training $85/hr $85/hr