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Cornell University

Gene expression analyses


  • TREx: RNA-Seq


Single-cell RNA-Seq (10X Genomics)

  • Single-cell immune profiling
  • Single-cell RNA-Seq

ORDER a single-cell library construction

Illumina library: large projects

  • QuantSeq FWD (Lexogen), a cost-effective alternative to traditional 3'RNA-Seq

ORDER a QuantSeq FWD library prep

Illumina library: small projects

  • TruSeq (Illumina) — 3' RNA-Seq

ORDER a RNA-Seq library prep

If your library is already constructed, you can order the sequencing service alone.

ORDER an Illumina sequencing run

Real-time PCR instrument

  • Simple, fast gene expression quantification for a low number of target genes.

RESERVE time on the real-time PCR

Genomic Innovation Hub: open-source protocols and collaboration

High-throughput 3’RNAseq workflows using open-source protocols are also being developed in the Genomics innovation Hub.

contact the Genomics Innovation Hub about collaboration opportunities