Welcome BRC Genomics facility director, Jen Grenier

Dear Colleagues,
Please join me in welcoming Dr. Jennifer Grenier, who has accepted the Director role for the BRC Genomics Facility following Peter Schweitzer’s retirement announcement. Jen brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the position. After receiving her Ph.D. in Genetics from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, she worked in biotechnology research in both the for-profit and higher education settings before coming to Cornell in 2009. She has led the launch of two core facilities, the Transcriptional Regulation and Expression (TREx) Facility and the Genomics Innovation Hub (GIH), both of which are now housed in the BRC and will become part of a new integrated Genomics Facility. Jen began her new role on July 17, 2023, and Peter has transitioned from the oversight of daily operations and is focused on ensuring a smooth transition in leadership for the Genomics Facility.
Jen shares:
“I'm excited to bring my passion for genomics technologies and project-oriented services to support more researchers using sequencing and genomics infrastructure at Cornell. It’s an honor to take over the Facility that Peter and colleagues built, and our team will continue to maintain his high standards and quality of services.”
I would also like to take this opportunity to thank Peter for 20 years of exceptional leadership and innovation as Director of the Genomics facility. Peter led the facility from Sanger sequencing through the adoption of next-generation sequencing platforms, single-cell profiling services, and the integration of an established Genomics Diversity Facility into his portfolio. Working closely with researchers from across the university and beyond, Peter has had immeasurable impact on Cornell's life science research enterprise. Best wishes to Peter on his retirement.
Matt DeLisa
Robert Frederick Smith School of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
Director, Cornell Institute of Biotechnology