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Whether you worked with the BRC or the CAT, you had access to these resources because investments from Cornell university, New York State, NIH, NSF or other funding agencies. As for any funding source, you must acknowledge them in your publications.

Work enabled by the core facilities of the Biotechnology Resource Center (BRC)

Proper citations show the impact of these investments, and help ensure the sustainability of these resources.

Please, specifically acknowledge the Cornell Institute of Biotechnology in all your publications where your results were made possible by the resources we provide.

This includes any data or results obtained through BRC instruments or services, as well as any work that contains intellectual contributions by BRC core facility directors or staff.
Acknowledgement is important even when using "commodity" services such as computing hours or routine DNA sequencing.

Example acknowledgement language:

  • Sequencing was performed by the Biotechnology Resource Center (BRC) Genomics Facility (RRID:SCR_021727) at the Cornell Institute of Biotechnology (
  • We thank J. Grenier and the BRC Genomics Facility (RRID:SCR_021727) at the Cornell Institute of Biotechnology for sequencing experiments.
  • We thank the Genomics Facility (RRID:SCR_021727)of the Biotechnology Resource Center of Cornell Institute of Biotechnology for their help with sequencing experiments.

Research Resource Identifiers (RRIDs)

Research Resource Identifiers (#RRID) are ID numbers assigned to help researchers cite key resources in the literature to improve transparency of research methods. RRIDs are part of the MDAR checklist, a pan-publisher rigor and transparency checklist created and endorsed by major publishers. RRIDs are also part of the NISO JATS standard, the journal article tagging suite. Learn more:
Please cite the following RRIDs for work supported by the BRC Core Facilities:

Flow CytometryRRID:SCR_021740
Proteomics and MetabolomicsRRID:SCR_021743
EpigenomicsFacility: RRID:SCR_021287
Genomics Innovation HubRRID:SCR_022547
Transcriptional Regulation and Expression (TREx)RRID:SCR_022532
Biomolecular AnalysisRRID:SCR_023117

Acknowledgement of shared instrumentation grants

Some BRC instruments were acquired through funding by shared instrumentation grants. When this is the case, we provided the grant number in the instrument page. You can check the instruments you used in the Instruments list.

Example acknowledgement language:

  • Imaging data was acquired through the Cornell Institute of Biotechnology's BRC Imaging Facility (RRID:SCR_021741), with NIH 1S10OD010605 funding for the shared Andor Revolution Spinning Disk Confocal Microscope.

Work supported through Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) grants

Publications that were made possible through projects funded or partially funded by the CAT need to be acknowledged.

Example acknowledgement language:

  • The work was partially supported through a Cornell Institute of Biotechnology’s Center for Advanced Technology (CAT) grant, funded through New York State Division of Science, Technology, and Innovation (NYSTAR): NYS contract C150124.